Health and Safety
There are certain health and safety regulations that you’ll need to familiarise yourself with, and some forms you'll have to fill out. The details of all of them, and a link to the H&S Department's information pages on each topic can be found on this page.
Your line manager or peer mentor should give you a health and safety induction and help you out with any of the documents needed. If you haven’t been given this, don’t be afraid to ask about it or chase it up. More details about the induction can be found here
Health Surveillance Risk Assessment-
A Health Surveillance Risk Assessment must be completed for every staff member and researcher. This is an assessment of any risks the staff member or PGR is likely to face in their work and acknowledges how those risks are mitigated. More details, plus the form itself, can be found here.
Display Screen Equipment
If you spend time in front of a screen during work, you’ll have to fill out a DSE (display screen equipment) form. The form, alongside more information about DSE, can be found here.
Lone Working Policy
If you are likely to work alone out of hours inside a university building, you’ll have to read the lone working policy and fill both the risk assessment and request forms. These will then have to be submitted to security for approval. More information and the forms can be found here
Driving At Work
If you’re planning to be driving for the purpose of your job, you’ll have to read the driving at work policy and submit the form. This only applies to driving you do as part of your job, not commuting to and from work. More information and the forms can be found here.
Risk Assessments
All labs, activities and equipment will have an associated risk assessment. A risk assessment is a document that goes over all the potential risks someone has, and how they’re mitigated to an acceptably safe level. Something can not go ahead or be used if it does not have a low enough risk level on its risk assessment. All the School of Computer Science’s risk assessments, and dates for training for writing risk assessments, can be here.