SoCSTech Docs Help

Docker on socs-web01

We make extensive use of Docker on the Server and in the School too. Docker powers our sites, services and some of the student projects on this server!

There will be a section added soon to discuss Docker a little more. We recommend you get yourself comfortable with the idea of using Docker before proceeding to make any changes to it on socs-web01.


  • You may find that after a reboot not all services are back up and running - these will need manually starting again!

Using docker-compose

Please use docker-compose to start containers, rather than simply pulling and running containers directly. Store the docker-compose.yml in a directory relating to that service you are trying to run. This allows for easier maintenance.

Monitoring Containers via ctop

As long as you have been added to the docker user-group, you will be able to use ctop to monitor, start, stop, restart and view logs on a container. ctop offers a nice "UI" that you can use to check container statuses rather than relying on docker ps.

Last modified: 13 May 2024