Creating a Fresh Image
Every summer, a fresh lab image needs to be created ready for the start of the academic year in September.
We create our Lab Machine images on the Master machines in INB1201. The following procedure outlines how we create and deploy a new image to the lab machines.
A full list of software requirements must first be collected from academics by sending an all school email well in advance with multiple reminders. The Senior Technician is responsible for this task, unless delegated.
Locate the SATA Master Machine
Install a fresh copy of Windows 11
Create a partition for Linux
Update Windows, configure Windows settings, and set wallpapers
Install all required software for Windows
Update Linux, configure Linux settings, and set wallpapers
Install all required software for Linux
Set up GRUB
Test the image
Capture both the SATA and NVME images
Deploy the images to the labs using CloneZilla
Install DeepFreeze on all machines